The best ways to clean the lungs
Fatty fish like mackerel, sardine, salmon etc. Fatty fish are very good for our lungs. The omega 3 fatty acids contained in these fish clean the lungs from the inside. Accordingly, inflammations related to the lungs are prevented and the function of the entire respiratory system is regulated. These types of fish are very beneficial for heart, breast and bone health and also lead to the development of women's health.
Walnut This walnut is a food that contains many nutrients including Omega 3. Doctors have said that if you eat a handful of walnuts a day, it is very beneficial for many diseases related to asthma and respiratory system. The anti-inflammatory properties caused by the omega 3 fatty acids contained in them work against the inflammatory conditions related to the lungs and keep the lungs in good working order. It has been found that eating walnuts once a day can reduce the risk of cancer by 50%.
Flaxseeds are a very high quality food that we don't take often, which improves the health of the lungs. Flax seeds contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and minerals, which are important for our respiratory system. Magnesium relaxes the walls of the bronchial tubes and allows air to move freely into the lungs, keeping the lungs functioning optimally.
Ginger, which is extremely important as a spice and flavoring herb, is also able to work against lung-related inflammations. It naturally relaxes the soft muscles of the air passages to our lungs. It is easy to breathe well.
Turmeric is essential for us to eat food for its appearance, taste and quality. Carmine, which is mainly contained in turmeric, has natural antioxidant effects. Therefore, we get the same effect as the contribution of ginger to the function of the lungs by using turmeric.
Onion Onion is used as an anti-inflammatory vegetable and as a vegetable flavoring agent. Onions reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the function of the heart system.
White Onion White onion has a wonderful ability to prevent inflammation and infection. It has been found that the rate of lung cancer in smokers is reduced by 40% by eating raw white onions.
Can pepper has a wonderful ability to change the health of the human lungs in a good way. It also stimulates a secretion that can protect the mucous membranes of the body. Protecting the mucous membranes in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide gases are exchanged and reducing the rate of spread of cancer in the lungs.
Eating lots of antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits like oranges, bell peppers, jambolas, avocados, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, pomegranates, and berries will lead to lung health.
Water Water is essential for the proper functioning of all major organs including the lungs and to keep them hydrated in a healthy environment.
Coffee Coffee is not good for heart patients, but coffee is very good for lung health.
Lung-damaging foods Any food that can cause inflammation can be harmful to the lungs. Avoiding these foods will be very important for your health, especially if you suffer from asthma and other respiratory diseases. There are some types of allergic foods that cause certain inflammatory conditions for some people. Dairy products, types of bread, excessive salt consumption, and foods prepared with excessive sodium are not very good for the lungs.
So, these foods that should be changed and obtained to protect the lungs, which are the most important in our body, will be very helpful in keeping your lungs healthy and functioning well.
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